
In the grand tapestry of Indian jewellery, we, Nemichand Bamalwa Jewellers, have emerged as a radiant and enduring thread, meticulously weaving together the precious elements of legacy, craftsmanship, and trust.

Our journey is a testament to our dedication, passion, and tireless commitment to the art of adornment.

As one of India’s foremost jewellers, our roots run deep in the cultural heart of Kolkata, a city that echoes the harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. This rich heritage is the foundation upon which we have built our reputation, and it’s why discerning patrons like yourself consistently choose our treasures above all others.

The Heritage

In 1987, we marked an unparalleled chapter in India's jewellery history by introducing 22/22k gold jewellery, signifying a pristine melting purity of 22K. As the first jeweller to engineer this in India, we redefined luxury and trust that sets the gold standard.


We didn't just craft jewellery; we curated works of art that resonated with the heartbeat of purity and elegance. The golden alchemy within our ateliers was nothing short of extraordinary, blending tradition with innovation and authenticity with allure.

